The projects that I need to share.

Success is not final; failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.” – Winston S. Churchill

1. SkyLane Education

Description: A consultancy services that work with universities in renowned countries like the UK, USA, Canada, Australia, Dubai, Malta, Ireland, New Zealand and many others for studying and working abroad. Our range of free services, transparency, easy communication and networking with partners across the globe stands us apart. Study abroad with scholarship, with or without IELTS, and get a work permit after your study from Bangladesh with free consultancy.

Live demo : live link

2. Mask RCNN - instance segmentation

In this project I’m apply Mask RCNN in real-time video. video found here

3. Object tracking with Depp Sort with YOLOv4.

In this video, I’ve implement object tracking with Depp Sort with YOLOv4. video found here

4. Face Mask Detection

In this project I’m building a Face mask detector that detects whether a person is wear a mask or not. Also published a paper on this task. It’s really important for this current Covid-19 situation. I’ve share a video of my project which is given below.

5. Elephant Detection

In this project I’m building a detector that detects an elephant inside an iamge/video. I’ve share a you-tube video of my project which is given below.


6. Crop vs Weed Detection

In this project I’m building a weed detector that detects whether a weed is present in agriculture field or not(seems fancy). It’s really important for agricultural purpose.

7. Sentiment analysis Of online Food Review

This is a part of research. Soon avalilable.

8. BERT for Bengali News Headline Classification

A brand new project done with specially in Bengali language using pretrained BERT model for new headline classification. As it is part of research work soon I’ll open source .

9. YOLOv4 : A robust object detection

In this project I’m apply YOLOv4 in real-time video. See the tweet.

10. YOLOv5 : A robust object detection

In this project I’m apply YOLOv5 in real-time video. See the tweet i’m sharing pic. video found here

Anyone wanted to work with projects/research of NLP, Computer vision inspired by my above scenario can contact with me. I’m done some freelance work too.

email - rafiuzzaman15-9655(at)diu(dot)edu(dot)bd pub fb Linkedin